man, i keep trying to make a better site. this is just gonna be a general announcement space though... im tired, or too-not-tired, depending on the moment, im hallucinating more than id like to be, but emotionally i am quite enjoying life. im trending towards stabilizing, im ok

we presently no longer have the guyotats or the duverts in the webstore. this is because gallimard whined pathetically over some right they claim to have over these texts, and one Thomas Simonnet from LES EDITIONS DE MINUIT S.A.S. similarly wanted to rage at me because he doesn't believe more books by duvert shoult exist, or they all want to have their dicks sucked over it, who gives a fuck? unfortunately, payment processors and storefront-as-a-service mongers, probably. i will, someday, start working on my own thing so that if assorted french eunuchs and mouth breathers have some belif that they should have been consulted because, by god, they are the duke of the region duvert-corpse-festering, etc. which is to say, feel free to email phoebe or brea or both if you have strong beliefs that there should be more copies of these books floating around in the world, and want to see if you can help out with that, if you get what i mean. cheers etc