
a big goal of salitter workings is to make there be more books in the world. we give you the files (ill hopefully be better at remembering to do this on the new site) so you can just print it yourself if you want, no matter if its because you want to pay less or want to not give me money or if some circumstance is making things difficult

i'll walk you through how to do this!!

get the filez

  • internet archive: i like putting things on the internet archive because the internet archive is the best site on the internet, and i want to make it even better. this will take you to the pdf in the internet archive's reader where you can read and download it.

    • if something is removed from the internet archive, i wont put it back because they already have enough trouble .

  • sal: this is my cute term for 'im hosting it on here'. you just click it and the pdf downloads. (i took these down for the guyotats to make a point that i'm not hosting the files on my own server and they're still readily available nonetheless. so you'll have to do the next option, which is...)

  • ipfs: as far as you need to worry about it this is basically exactly like the above, except theres the possibility where it isn't. you might see...

  • torrent: this is a magnet link that a bittorrent client can open. it contains all of the books and all of the covers, and your client should let you select what you want. if you don't know what a torrent or a magnet is then talk to me about it and i can help you i dont want to write it all out here lol

ok if u got the files then...
