
here, i'm gonna clean up a scan of "leaf of spring" by yessenin-volpin, since i finally want to produce a Real Nice version of this for clownshowprison

some comments: this scan is actually good, just really weird. i have no idea why it looks like it was pulled from the bottom of a lake. but the text etc is quite crisp so we dont need to worry about it.

more knobs to fiddle with. we want to keep the lettering a nice solid black while making the background go far away, so its easily separable w/ color to alpha. its all an art and not a science. just have fun with it. it's exciting!!! youre making a book!!!!!

combinations of these two will take you like everywhere you need to go. i have one more piece of advice for this section. cuz you may be balking at the idea of having to do this like 200-300-400 times. lemme show you smth lifechanging

here's a few more i use constantly & this whole process is only feasible if i have them bound to keys that i can rhythmically slam like im playing an arpeggio on a piano. at this point you should experiment on your own and get a sense of these, but feel free to ask me for help if you need
