𐂠Diary02 10 2025

im breaking this goddamn pattern of disorganization fuckin fuck

  • long walk to staples

  • handmaking some books

  • working on comm_2

    • straightfoward enough spacing issues... until some mysteries

      • \setletterspace and setworkspace not doing what i expect

      • page mysteriously seems to have the first letters of everything ripped off...?

    • yeah, what's going on here?

      • nothing different from what i'm doing elsewhere, but here specifically, the spacing is messed up and a letter is suspiciously missing...

typically between paragraphs, we see:

..\_ten_tenrm .
...\penalty 100
...\kern-1.925 (right margin)
...\glue(\parfillskip) 0.0 plus 1.0fil
...\glue(\rightskip) 36.135
..\penalty 10000
..\glue 11.0 plus 1.0fill
..\glue(\parskip) 0.0
..\glue(\baselineskip) 1.901
..\hbox(7.986+3.091)x314.37494, glue set 100.58998fil, direction TLT
...\glue(\leftskip) 36.135
...\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0, direction TLT


blank space  }
[]\_ten_tenrm Sur-prise! 
@\penalty via @0 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@1: line 1.2 t=100 -> @0
I have a life for you (only slightly used) 
@\penalty via @1 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@2: line 2.2 t=200 -> @1
Use it well, kiss and tell 
@\penalty via @2 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@3: line 3.2 t=300 -> @2
My house do not abuse. 
@\par via @3 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@4: line 4.2- t=400 -> @3

%% goal height=498.66258, max depth=4.33327
% t=24.0 g=498.66258 b=10000 p=0 c=100000#

~.\hop ->\nobreak \vskip 1em plus1fill

~..\nobreak ->\_penalty 10000 
{vertical mode: \penalty}

and then at the error point we see....

ok, i see, there's multiple stages being logged here

so, first stage....

between 1st/2nd stanza...[log line 3668]

the letter e}
{the letter e}
{the letter t}
{blank space  }
[]\_ten_tenrm All the fairly so’s are meet-ing 
@\penalty via @0 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@1: line 1.2 t=100 -> @0
in the steepled church in-tent 
@\penalty via @1 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@2: line 2.2 t=200 -> @1
on gain-ing ground in which to 
@\penalty via @2 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@3: line 3.2 t=300 -> @2
@\penalty via @3 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@4: line 4.2 t=400 -> @3
@\penalty via @4 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@5: line 5.2 t=500 -> @4
@\penalty via @5 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@6: line 6.2 t=600 -> @5
need meet nowhere on any street 
@\par via @6 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@7: line 7.2- t=700 -> @6

%% goal height=498.66258, max depth=4.33327
% t=24.0 g=498.66258 b=10000 p=0 c=100000#
% t=37.0 g=498.66258 b=10000 p=0 c=100000#
% t=50.0 g=498.66258 b=10000 p=0 c=100000#
% t=63.0 g=498.66258 b=10000 p=0 c=100000#

~.\hop ->\nobreak \vskip 1em plus1fill

~..\nobreak ->\_penalty 10000 

encountering the L that it eats...

the letter s}
{the letter t}
{the character .}
{blank space  }
[]\_ten_tenrm Ran-dom wattage blink-ing cer-tain 
@\penalty via @0 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@1: line 1.2 t=100 -> @0
light of murky hue on va-cant hearts 
@\penalty via @1 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@2: line 2.2 t=200 -> @1
grown tight in corset bands of 
@\penalty via @2 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@3: line 3.2 t=300 -> @2
do and must. 
@\par via @3 b=0 p=-10000 d=100
@@4: line 4.2- t=400 -> @3

% t=200.0 plus 3.0fill g=498.66258 b=0 p=0 c=0#

~.\hop ->\nobreak \vskip 1em plus1fill

~..\nobreak ->\_penalty 10000 
{vertical mode: \penalty}
{the letter e}
{horizontal mode: the letter e}
{the letter t}
{blank space  }
{the letter m}
{the letter e}
{blank space  }
{the letter t}
{the letter a}
{the letter k}
{the letter e}
{blank space  }
{the letter f}

what the fuck? this stage just doesn't acknowledge it. is this somehow an encoding error...?