The Salitter Subscription Service

  1. for $20 a month, i will send you some books i make each month
  2. these will be books that for whatever reason don't "feel right" to sell in the store. usually because it seems like it'd be rude to do in a way that i care about.
  3. that means that getting a copy of whatever-it-is after the fact will be, uh, nondeterministic. a game where you figure out how to get me to send you one. or something else
  4. my goal is to send books where someone would react like, "huh" or "wow!" or "this is good value!". where if you know what the book is, you're excited to see it. and if you don't, you still feel like you're now in possession of something properly arcane
  5. i will probably generally not say what the book(s) of the month is until it's shipped out, to prevent the thing from degenerating into something that resembles a store.
  6. you should anticipate getting things that are at least somewhat spicy. cuss words, sex, hot takes, political ideologies that aren't yours. it seems rude to take someone's money and use it to mail them something depraved so i don't want to do that. but sometimes i do admittedly have bad judgement about these things. yell at me if i do this
  7. i'll be doing the same cover design / additional elements / whatever that i've done with the books so far. doing, at least, a bespoke cover is an essential part of this whole thing for me. it's the ritual that i hope keeps this from becoming another cultural landfill.

if you have a question and i have not answered it here, please reach out on instagram or email (grr at lo2 dot org) or some other way and i'll add it.